These are wrong thoughts of mine that must be taken captive. I'm writing it here for repeated access. I don't assume that many read this, even out of the 9 people subscribed to this blog. But even if people did read it, I think it may be beneficial.
1) Longings for a "nice life". God does not call us to a nice life. He calls us to deny ourselves and take up our cross if we are to follow Him--not optional! But I have desires for a well-paying, nice and neat ministry position to start after my internship ends. How hollow! True Gospel ministry by nature is not nice and neat anyway. If it is, it's probably more of a plasticy Gospel ministry replica. I visited California this weekend, and southern California is gorgeous in case you did not know. And I thought how nice it would be to be hired out there. Selfishly.
2) My romantic thoughts. The problem with them is that I fail to keep in mind that the only type of woman I have any business with is one in whom God has so worked that she does not need a nice or large house but rather she is willing to sacrifice a nice car and a big ring and a fancy home and exotic European vacations because her true longings are for God and for the benefit of His Church.
Matthew 19:30 But many who are first will be last, and the last first.
Romans 12:16 Associate with the lowly
Matthew 13:44-46 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Some beliefs regarding the glory of God
1. The glory (or splendor, or majesty, or awesomeness) of God is infinite. For us as humans this means that God is the perpetual novelty because the wonders of His glory are inexaustable.
2. God is more important than us. He is infinite. All that exists depends on Him.
3. God has been infinitely joyful in the Trinity for all time.
4. All of the true Christian experience is centered on the glory of God. God's acts of salvation, including predestination, are "to the praise of His glory" (see Ephesians 1:5-14) and the process of sanctification is inspired by, powered by, and evidenced by the glory of God (see 2 Cor. 3:18). Thus we can say that "mundane" Christian experience is no Christian experience at all--not because we are "revolutionaries" but because of the ever-present and powerful God in all His glory and splendor and beauty and majesty.
5. God is chiefly concerned about being glorified. This is offensive to many but we must remember that (A) pride is an over-estimation of one's value, which is impossible for God who is infinitely valuable and therefore God's glorifying of Himself is always accurate and true; (B) in His concern for being glorified God has all peoples in mind; if He is glorified, they may know Him, and finally have true joy as they were created to enjoy, and (C) the most important thing any created thing can do is to attest to God's glory.
6. To "glorify God" does not mean that we make Him look better than He is (which is impossible and a blasphemous thought) but rather that we simply help people see Him for who He is. We "magnify" Him more like a telescope and not like a microscope.
2. God is more important than us. He is infinite. All that exists depends on Him.
3. God has been infinitely joyful in the Trinity for all time.
4. All of the true Christian experience is centered on the glory of God. God's acts of salvation, including predestination, are "to the praise of His glory" (see Ephesians 1:5-14) and the process of sanctification is inspired by, powered by, and evidenced by the glory of God (see 2 Cor. 3:18). Thus we can say that "mundane" Christian experience is no Christian experience at all--not because we are "revolutionaries" but because of the ever-present and powerful God in all His glory and splendor and beauty and majesty.
5. God is chiefly concerned about being glorified. This is offensive to many but we must remember that (A) pride is an over-estimation of one's value, which is impossible for God who is infinitely valuable and therefore God's glorifying of Himself is always accurate and true; (B) in His concern for being glorified God has all peoples in mind; if He is glorified, they may know Him, and finally have true joy as they were created to enjoy, and (C) the most important thing any created thing can do is to attest to God's glory.
6. To "glorify God" does not mean that we make Him look better than He is (which is impossible and a blasphemous thought) but rather that we simply help people see Him for who He is. We "magnify" Him more like a telescope and not like a microscope.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Preaching, consecration, and the Word
"Many ministers preach their consecration and try to live the preached Word instead of living their consecration and preaching the Word." - Ed Cole
Monday, February 8, 2010
Use this in children's church
I was building up Goliath as an intimidating figure.
"The Bible actually says he was a 'champion'. Champion of what? I don't know. But when you're that big, you're probably the champion of everything--except hide-and-seek."
"The Bible actually says he was a 'champion'. Champion of what? I don't know. But when you're that big, you're probably the champion of everything--except hide-and-seek."